590 Giffords Church Road, Suite 2

Rotterdam, NY 12306


Monday: 8am-8pm

Wednesday: 8-6:30 Friday: 9-2:30 Saturday: 8-2pm

Step into the Flow of

Empowered Living



Breathwork & Yoga

There is no real balance in life but there is flow

Flow comes when life shifts and we understand how to quickly pivot to regain homeostasis regardless of the size of the obstacle or change in the path. Like water in a river coming up against a large rock or a sharp turn, it quickly finds a way to become realigned and continue to flow in the direction it was created to. This is what I have found in life and what I want for you.

As a mom, the feeling of overwhelm is too familiar.

Sure you love your family but how often do you have time for yourself? Healthy habits and self-care can take a long dusty seat on the shelf to the continuous chaotic swirl that is motherhood.

Imagine every day feeling like there’s enough space for yourself not to just think straight but really have peace. What if focus, mental clarity, and energy didn’t just come at random times but were the norm? Do you long to truly operate from a full cup of joy and step into your unique calling outside of the extremely important role as a mother? How about feeling good in your body and remaining calm even through stressful situations? All of this is possible for you.

Whether you need to relax, are experiencing pain and tension, are struggling emotionally or just want to recharge, I am here to help you feel like yourself again.

My Location

Monday: 8am-8pm Wednesday: 8-6:30

Friday: 9-2:30 Saturday: 8-2pm

590 Giffords Church Road, Suite 2

Rotterdam, NY 12306



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